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Office Public de la Langue Bretonne


Forom termenadurezh

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nowcast(ing) Le 22/03/2022

Rakwelet an darvoudoù war un termen berr-kenañ.

Sondage :

Termes proposé Nombre de votes Pourcentage
diouganiñ-bremañ1 votes 7 %
nesgan0 vote 0 %
neswelad9 votes 69 %
primrakwelet1 votes 7 %
primwelad2 votes 15 %

0Sur le sondage

1Sur les propositions

Je réagis

Les commentaires1

  • Brieg le 19/01/22 à 21h13
    Nowcasting a zo ivez komz diàr traoù nevez-degouezhet "Nowcasting in economics is the prediction of the present, the very near future, and the very recent past state of an economic indicator." prédiction : diougan, darganadenn "diougan glav" a gavan àr devri Donet a ra diougan ha dargan diàr diou + gan (èl ganet) ? Neuze e kannigehen nesgan peotramant nesgomz [...]

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